The 10th National Health Research Forum

The 10th National Health Research Forum

We have participated the 10th National Health Research Forum held in Savannakhet, Laos from 10/27 to 10/28, 2016. Various members of NGO, JICA, researchers and experts working on to solve issues relating to maralia, paracites, infants, women, ecology and health in...
Cows on the road!

Cows on the road!

December 2013, I did a day trip to Vang Vieng to Vientiane, the capital of Laos in Laotian SUV that acquaintance to drive. Road that runs on the outskirts of the capital, Vientiane has been enhanced to now go 4 hours one way to Vang Vieng you did not Ika Without the...


ラオスでマラリア感染状況を調査している様子を紹介するYoutubeです。   デング熱で日本でも蚊の恐怖が話題になってきましたが、これは、マラリアの調査のために、地道な研究が続けられていることを紹介する映像です。現地の人々の血液や唾液を採取し、マラリアに感染していないか調査しています。 youtube video by Gaku...