Laotian family took part in the child rearing support center of Nagasaki.

Laotian family took part in the child rearing support center of Nagasaki.

Treasures of The Planet を訪問したThavoneさん家族 JICAの奨学金でラオスから長崎大学工学部大学院に研究に来ているラオス人Thavoneさんの妻と2人の子どもたちが長崎に来ました。彼らは、子供たちに日本の文化を学ばせたいと保育園に入れたいのですが、保育園はお母さんが仕事をしていないと入れません。しかし、奥さんはラオス語とタイ語しか話せず、日本語も英語もできないので、仕事を見つけるのはかなり難しいようです。...
Five Lao students visited the NPO office.

Five Lao students visited the NPO office.

On May 12, 5 Laos students from the Graduate School of Global Health, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Engineering visited the NPO Treasures of the Planet. I was excited with various stories such as what I’m studying at the university, special products of...
Lao Organic Farm Land Preservation Project

Lao Organic Farm Land Preservation Project

The climate in Laos is perfect for growing some of the finest coffee beans in the world. Local farmers have been growing it as well as avocados and other vegetables for generations. Now, foreign capitalists are looking to profit from the areas natural resources. They...